

英漢字典: sail in

1. enter a port進港

    It was on June 3rd that our ship sailed in. 我們的船是6月3日進港的。

2. (ladies,etc. )enter in a stately or dignified manner(貴婦人)儀態萬方地走進

    They were talking of Mrs. Swift when she sailed in. 他們正談論著斯威夫特夫人時,她風姿綽約地走了進來。

3. take decisive action 採取斷然行動

    He sailed in and finished the job. 他一鼓作氣,完成了任務。

4. enter an argument or dispute energetically 起勁地參加爭論

    Just as we thought the heat had gone out the discussion,Mrs. Hughes sailed in. 在我們感到討論陷入冷場時,休斯太太興致勃勃地加入了討論。

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